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发布日期:2023-04-21    作者:     来源:     点击:



主要研究领域: 神经精神性疾病发病机制及治疗药物研究

个人介绍:医学博士,教授,博士生导师。2013年毕业于日本千叶大学(Chiba University),获医学博士学位。分别在日本千叶大学,美国Emory大学,日本东京医科齿科大学,中国暨南大学从事助理教授和副教授研究工作。2023年入职山东第一医科大学脑科学与类脑研究院。2019-2022年获暨南大学青年拔尖人才项目。近年来在Mol PsychiatryBiology PsychiatryPNASTransl Psychiatry等著名国际学术期刊发表SCI论文50余篇。获得日本学术振兴会、广东省自然科学基金委、中国国家自然科学基金委项目资助。


[1] He L#, Zheng Y#, Huang L#, Ye J, Ye Y, Luo H, Chen X, Yao W*, Chen J*, Zhang JC*. Nrf2 regulates the arginase 1+ microglia phenotype through the initiation of TREM2 transcription, ameliorating depression-like behavior in mice. Transl Psychiatry. 2022,12(1): 459.

[2] Ding Y, Zhou M, Zheng R, Ma R, Deng J, Hao WZ, Wang L, Zhang JC*, Ho CT*, Huang JQ*. Feruloylated oligosaccharides ameliorate MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in mice by activating ERK/CREB/BDNF/TrkB signalling pathway. Phytomedicine 2022,108:154512.

[3] Liu Y, Liu X, Ye Q, Wang Y, Zhang J, Lin S, Wang G, Yang X, Zhang J*, Chen S*, Wu N*. Fucosylated Chondroitin Sulfate against Parkinson's Disease through Inhibiting Inflammation Induced by Gut Dysbiosis. J Agric Food Chem. 2022, 70(42):13676-13691.

[4] Zhang JC*, Yao W, and Hashimoto K*. Arketamine, a new rapid-acting antidepressant: A historical review and future directions. Neuropharmacology. 2022. 218:109219.

[5] Cao QQ#, Luo SL#, Yao W#, Qu YG, Wang NB, Hong J, Murayama S, Zhang ZT, Chen JX, Hashimoto K*, Qi Qi*, and Zhang JC*. Suppression of abnormal a-synuclein expression by activation of BDNF transcription ameliorates Parkinson’s disease-like pathology. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2022. 29:1-15.

[6] Cao QQ#, Zou QM#, Zhao X#, Zhang YM#, Qu YG, Wang NB, Murayama S, Qi Q, Hashimoto K*, Lin S*, Zhang JC*. Regulation of BDNF transcription by Nrf2 and MeCP2 ameliorates MPTP-induced neurotoxicity. Cell Death Discov. 2022, 8(1):267.

[7] Yao W#, Cao QQ#, Luo SL#, He LJ, Yang C, Chen JX, Qi Q*, Hashimoto K*, and Zhang JC*. Microglial ERK-NRBP1-CREB-BDNF signaling in sustained antidepressant actions of (R)-ketamine. Mol Psychiatry. 2022, 27(3): 1618–1629.

[8] Tang R#, Cao QQ#, Hu SW#, He LJ, Du PF, Chen G, Fu R, Xiao F, Sun YR*, Zhang JC* and Qi Q*. Sulforaphane activates anti-inflammatory microglia, modulating stress resilience associated with BDNF transcription. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2022, 43, 829-839.

[9] Yao W#, Lin S#, Su J, Cao QQ, Chen YY, Chen JX, Zhang ZT, Hashimoto K*, Qi Q* and Zhang JC*. Activation of BDNF by transcription factor Nrf2 contributes to antidepressant-like actions in rodents. Transl Psychiatry. 2021, 11: 140.

[10] Asada K, Sakaue F, Nagata T, Zhang JC, Yoshida-Tanaka K, Abe A, Nawa M, Nishina K, Yokota T*. Short DNA/RNA heteroduplex oligonucleotide interacting proteins are key regulators of target gene silencing. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 May 21;49(9):4864-4876


[1] 2023-2026. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:(R-氯胺酮通过CREB/MeCP2调节BDNF转录翻译发挥强效而持久抗抑郁作用的机制研究)

[2] 2022-2024. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:(CREB介导BDNF转录在R-氯胺酮抗抑郁中的作用及其机制研究)

[3] 2020-2021. 中央高校基本科研业务费:(R-氯胺酮强效而持久抗抑郁作用的机制研究)

[4] 2019-2022. 暨南大学青年拔尖人才项目:(R小胶质细胞介导R-氯胺酮强效而持久抗抑郁作用的机制研究)

[5] 2014 – 2017. 日本学术振兴会:(Development of novel therapeutic targets for inflammation-induced depression using proteomics)

联系方式: jiczhang825@qq.com