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发布日期:2023-03-07    作者:脑研院     来源:     点击:





1. Baokun Zhang, Shanshan Lu, Huiying Guo, Juanjuan Xu, Zhang Xiao, Hongyao Zhao, Jiyou Tang*. The effect of obstructive sleep apnea on fatty liver disease may be obscured by alcohol consumption: An ordinal logistic regression analysis. Sleep Med. 2023; 109:82-89.

2. Baokun Zhang, Shanshan Lu, Huiying Guo, Juanjuan Xu, Zhang Xiao, Jiyou Tang*. Relationship between ODI and sleep structure of obstructive sleep apnea and cardiac remodeling. Sleep Breath. 2023;10.1007/s11325-023-02872-7.

3. Xu F*, Zhao J, Liu M, Yu X, Wang C, Lou Y, Shi W, Liu Y, Gao L, Yang Q, Zhang B, Lu S*, Tang J*, Leng J*. Exploration of sleep function connection and classification strategies based on sub-period sleep stages. Front Neurosci. 2023; 16:1088116. Published 2023 Jan 25.

4. Zhou M, Tang J*, Li S, Li Y, Zhao M. Orexin dual receptor antagonists, zolpidem, zopiclone, eszopiclone, and cognitive research: A comprehensive dose-response meta-analysis. Front Hum Neurosci. 2023; 16:1029554. Published 2023 Jan 9.

5. Lu S#, Song L#, Wang D, Zhang X, Lv X, Yin H, Gao Y, Liu X, Tang J*. White matter hyperintensity and cognitive impairments in chronic insomniacs. Neuroreport. 2019;30(9):612-618.

6. Tang S, Huang W, Lu S, Lu L, Li G, Chen X, Liu X, Lv X, Zhao Z, Duan R, Du Y, Tang J*. Increased plasma orexin-A levels in patients with insomnia disorder are not associated with prepro-orexin or orexin receptor gene polymorphisms. Peptides. 2017; 88:55-61.

7. Li G, Tang S, Chi H, Huang W, Lu S, Lv X, Liu X, Li Y, Wang Y, Tang J*. Orexin-A aggravates the impairment of hippocampal neurons caused by intermittent hypoxemia by the OXR-PLCβ1-ERK1/2 pathway. Neuroreport. 2017;28(6):331-338.

8. Liu X, Hou L, Huang W, Gao Y, Lv X and Tang J*. The Mechanism of Long Non-coding RNA MEG3 for Neurons Apoptosis Caused by Hypoxia: Mediated by miR-181b-12/15-LOX Signaling Pathway. Front Cell Neurosci. 2016;10:201.

9. Xuan Zhao; Rui xue Zhang; Shi Tang; Yan yan Ren; Wei xia Yang; Xiao minLiu; Ji you Tang*. Orexin-A-induced ERK1/2 activation reverses impaired spatial learning and memory in pentylenetetrazol-kindled rats via OX1R-mediated hippocampal neurogenesis. Peptides. 2014; 54: 140-147.

10. Jiyou Tang; Jing Chen; Manjunath Ramanjaneya; Anu Punn; Alex C. Conner; Harpal S. Randeva*. The signalling profile of recombinant human orexin-2 receptor. Cell Signal. 2008;20(9):1651-1661.


1. 山东省自然基金项目:干预睡眠障碍对AD小鼠学习记忆的影响及分子和病理机制研究(2020-2023),10万

2. 国家自然基金(面上项目):基于orexin-A信号转导特性探讨睡眠剥夺损害学习记忆的分子与细胞机制(批准号:81471345),资助经费:70万。

3. 山东省科技厅省自然基金项目: Orexin-2受体基因多态性与原发性睡眠障碍及苯二氮卓类催眠药物成瘾性的相关性研究(编号:ZR2012HM068),资助经费:6万。

联系方式: tangjy0920@126.com